
CoLinx ombudsman can be reached using the hotline phone number: 931-459-5107 (ext 25107)

How can we help?

This line is available for reviewing management decisions and intervening in workplace disputes. The ombudsman provides responsive listening, investigation, mediation, direct resolution, and upward feedback to management or the board of directors.

This office exists to help CoLinx employees, suppliers, and customers to identify work-related conflicts including, unethical behavior such as theft or fraud, discrimination, pay disparity, or sexual harassment that may be occurring at CoLinx.

Communication with the ombudsman is confidential. However, we are not required to maintain confidentiality regarding criminal behavior or conduct that threatens employee safety or company assets.

To get assistance from the CoLinx ombudsman, please leave your name, telephone number, the best time to reach you and a general description of the issue you want to report. Your call will be returned within 24 hours.

Thank you.